Ayers Rock Tour – 3-Day Adventure in the Australian Outback

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

This was the last tour of my 2015 backpacking adventure, The rock tour to Uluru. It was a three-day tour that started and finished in Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, Australia. The company was very professional, prepared, and gave us as much food as we could eat. I find normally on tours you just get the one serving but here you could eat what you would like. We never ran out of food. There was plenty for everyone. If you are a budget backpacker like myself then you know to take full advantage of this.

If this doesn’t suit you then there are plenty of other ways to see Uluru, just like this three-day tour. Also, day trips are an option such as Field of light. You can even see it by air!!

Uluru Ayers Rock Tour – Day 1:

Off we set into the Australian outback. We had plenty of kilometres to cover before our first destination. Our guide for the trip was very friendly and full of jokes. His attitude and positivity lasted the whole trip. I was lucky again as the members of the group were all nice. Everyone was chatting (well later on). We did get on the bus before sunrise after all.

After, driving for hours we reached a camel farm. A welcome break to stretch your legs and use the facilities. You get a free ride on a camel… well included in the price of the trip. However, I have been on a camel before and it wasn’t pleasant. It is something, I can say I have done. Yet, I won’t do it again.

The outback is so vast you can just see flat land for miles upon miles. We eventfully saw Uluru for the first time. The rock appears in different shades of red/orange throughout the day. Firstly, we drove around the perimeter. Next, we hiked 8 km around it on foot. The walk was flat so no achy muscles or shortness of breath. Also, you can opt to climb up to the top when I was there in 2015. I am not sure if this is still the case. However, I chose not to. It is a sacred site for the aboriginals.

Sunset over Ayers Rock, Uluru

Sunset over Ayers Rock on the Ayers Rock Tour, Northern Territory, Australia
The Ever Changing Colour of Ayers Rock

As the sunset over the rock, the colour changed. The group and I sipped champagne as the sun faded behind Uluru. What a great start to the three-day tour. Under the darkness of the stars, we set up our swags for the night around the campfire. Our home for the night was directly under the stars. There was no light pollution around us. The stars were out in full force. The brightest I have ever seen them. Also, the southern cross was clear as day.

Uluru Ayers Rock Tour – Day 2:

The day started before sunrise (again). Normally I would not awake before sunrise. Yet, I couldn’t wait to start the day. It was a fresh, cold morning so we all made hot chocolate to warm us up. Before setting off we had to make lunch and pack up camp. The first stop of the day was to watch the sunrise over Uluru. This was extremely pretty. Yet another colour change to the rock. Who doesn’t love the sun rising or setting?


Me at Kata Tjuta known as the valley of the wind hike on the Ayers Rock Tour in Uluru
The Valley of The Winds

We went to the Kata Tjuta (this means many heads). We completed an 8 km walk across rocky terrain and down into the valley of the wind. The uniqueness of the rock here was so pretty. You can see where the wind is so strong and the erosion happens. The walk in the valley was incredible.

After using all my energy, it was time to try the camel burgers for lunch. They were very tasty. The second half of the day was a long drive around 300 km. Yes, 300 km. After that long drive, we arrived at King’s Canyon. Well, a campsite near it at least.

Our Final Dinnertime…

The food the whole trip had been incredible and this was no exception. Kangaroo steaks, potatoes, and bush bread. Bush bread contains beer instead of milk and is cooked over an open fire. During the tour, we were split into two groups to complete chores each evening. As the evening drew to a close, we enjoyed stargazing and roasting marshmallows.

Me roasting marshmallows over on open fire at the King's Canyon campground on the Ayers Rock Tour in Uluru
Roasting Marshmallows on an Open Fire

The stars tonight were even more impressive than last night if that’s even possible. It was a treat to sleep under them for a second night. However, I was more scared this night… why? You are just sleeping out in the open. Yes, that’s right the open where a dingo had just passed through, right before bed.


Uluru Ayers Rock Tour – Day 3:

Finally, our last awakening before sunrise. Again, a chilly morning. However, everybody was safe and no one was taken by a dingo.

The King's Canyon Rim Hike at King's Canyon in the outback of Australia
The Sandstone Erosion by The Strong Winds

Okay… so we all knew the routine by now and quickly we were on the road. We were heading straight to King’s Canyon. On today’s agenda was: hiking. The hike started with a straight steep hill before walking around the rim of the valley. The steep hill is nicknamed ‘heart attack hill’. I feel that is the right nickname as it was no easy task.

Especially, as you could start to feel the heat from the rising sun. King’s Canyon can reach temperatures where it is deemed unsafe to walk around the canyon. The views were gorgeous, no matter which way you looked. You couldn’t go wrong. There was a slight wind however this was a blessing as it slightly cools you. The sun glares down on you the whole way, there is no shade to take refuge in. And just like that, the four-hour hike was over. All that was left on this tour was…

The Final Drive…

The final afternoon was a lot of driving as we made our way back to Alice Springs. We arrived safely and all in one piece. I guess very tired after all the sunrise missions. The whole tour was great and I would definitely recommend doing one as a solo traveller. You get to meet fellow travellers and hear their stories. As well as making connections with new people from across the globe. What a worry-free tour!!

Australia has plenty of group tours available all over the country. Read about my trip to Fraser Island.

Fiji Yasawa Islands – A Simple Week in a Paradise Haven

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

Fiji Yasawa Islands is a group of about 20 Fijian Islands. The volcanic islands lay in the western area of Fiji. This group of islands wasn’t always open to tourism. Once, the Fijian government got power over them was when the tourists started to turn up. These Islands look untouched and every bit I imagine paradise to look like. I was eager to spend the week relaxing and being on island time.

Day 1 and 2: Kuata Island, Fiji Yasawa Islands

The first stop in paradise was Kuata Island, Fiji Yasawa Islands. As the tender came to shore a traditional Fijian welcome greeted us. Everyone was happy and the other travellers were great fun. After a quick look around the rooms, it was time for my first activity of the week. This was my first experience snorkelling with blacktip reef sharks. I was still a little nervous about snorkelling and being in the middle of the sea. Yet, once out there in the water and watching the blacktip reef sharks, my mind was distracted from the nerves. The excitement filled me as I saw my first ever sharks. What a start to the week.

My first night in the Fiji Yasawa Islands…

A Blacktip Reef Shark swimming in the sea in Fiji Yasawa Islands
The Young Black Tip Reef Sharks in the Shallows

The evening drew to a close and the guests gathered for a social evening. The hosts shared with us a traditional Cava Ceremony. To me, it just looked like dirty water. However, I love trying new traditions from different cultures. So, we all took our turns but we all felt the same way. It wasn’t tasty. The Fijians believe that the combination in the drink gets them drunk. Who knows if this is true? I can think of much tastier drinks to get you drunk.

After a good night’s sleep and even better breakfast, I went with a guide to explore the island. The views were pretty in all directions. This island was the best one for me. The hosting, the food, and the activities were amazing.

Day 3 and 4: White Shandy Beach Island, Fiji Yasawa Islands

Again, another piece of paradise. The crisp white sand beach that stretched the length of the island was beautiful. Again a Bula traditional dance and song welcomed us to this island. Although the food wasn’t as tasty as the last island, the entertainment was on point. We played plenty of games of volleyball. Fresh coconuts cracked. The evening came with fun games and singing around the campfire.

Coconut Smashing on White Shandy Beach, Yasawa Islands, Fiji
Fresh Coconut Smashed Open in Front of Us

My Third Fiji Activity

The next day all I had booked was the Manta Ray snorkel. On this tender lifejackets had to be worn. The owners told us it was in case we got stopped by the police. However, this wasn’t exactly true. Only once out of the shelter of the bay, we realised why the lifejackets were a must. The sea was so bumpy and choppy. Not ideal. Unfortunately, I suffer from a feeling of seasickness. It was close but we got to the final destination just in time. I do not let it hold me back. I just get on with it as the one place I love to be in the sea.

Would we get to see any Manta Rays…

We reached a channel in the sea where the current was strong. We got dropped in at one end from the tender. Basically, we just had to stay still with our heads in the water and let the current take us. The tender then picked us up and drove us back to the starting point and off we floated again and again. Finally, on the last drop, we saw what we came for. The gracious Manta Rays. I watched in awe as they glided past with ease and pure grace. It was magical. I was happy. Manta Rays…Check!

Day 5: Bay of Plenty

The last island for me in Fiji Yasawa Islands. Unfortunately, it was only me on this island. Solitude. Some might say peaceful to have the island to yourself but not for me. The island was the smallest and quite different from the others. My room was on top of a little hill overlooking the Bay of Plenty. It was picturesque. Snorkelling was one of my choice of activities.

The Bay of Plenty from the hilltop viewing point, Yasawa Islands
The View From My Wooden Hut on Top of the Hill

This was the moment I saw the bluest saltwater that I had ever seen. This patch is rightly named the blue lagoon. The fish were plentiful and colourful. The shoreline was again that gorgeous white sand. You definitely can’t beat the feeling of sand between your toes and salt in your hair. I grew up by the sea so these feelings won’t ever get old. This time the sea was clear and warm. Also, the weather was pristine.

Summary of my Fijian Adventure

Wow! The Fiji Yasawa Islands were really paradise. The sun was shining the whole time and the water was crystal clear. This is a dream destination, for sure. The people were kind and very welcoming. Every island followed island time. It was complete and utter relaxation for the whole week. I booked my week through a tour group Awesome Fiji. Therefore, all I had to worry about was relaxing and topping up my tan. Perfect. An awesome week in Fiji.

I don’t do many group tours but they are a real winner for meeting other travellers and for a bit not having to plan your own adventure. Check out my Fraser Island group tour blog.

What Happens on the Amazing 3-day Fraser Island Tour?

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

The beautiful Fraser Island is listed as a World Heritage Island located off the southern region of Queensland. The largest sandbar island that stretches a total of 123 km in length and 22 km in width. A very popular tourist destination for families and young backpackers. So, after driving up from Sydney on our Australian Road Trip. We went on a Fraser Island Tour. A three-day trip across to Fraser Island, where we didn’t have to drive. What a welcome relief.

Fraser Island Tour Day 1: Lake Birrabeen – Lake Wabby

So, this day was eventful. Our first day on Fraser Island. We chose the tour with the self-driving 4×4 jeeps. There was a total of 4 jeeps with about 6/8 people in each. With the groups sorted the night before, we just had to load the jeeps and hit the road. It felt so good not having to drive. A short ferry ride over, we were ready for a new adventure.

First Stop of the Trip Lake Birrabeen…

Here, we had our lunch by the gorgeous lake. This lake has white sand lining the shores, cool crystal-clear water. However, this differs slightly as it sits above sea level. It is a collection of rainwater with no streams or rivers. A perched lake. What is amazing, is that all organic matter is filtered out. So, you won’t find any living things in the water. How crazy!!

When we were ready to move on… there was a problem. One of the jeeps wouldn’t start. So, with the guide, we raced back to the ferry to collect another jeep. The speed was faster than the drive out to Lake Birrabeen but so much more fun. As we hit the bumpy sandy road. The 4×4 driving that I am used to.

An Afternoon at Lake Wabby…

Lake Wabby and the sand dunes on the Fraser Island Tour
The Rolling Sand Dunes into Lake Wabby

Well… after the detour put us kind of, of schedule. We still made our way to Lake Wabby. Again, a perched dune lake just like the 40 other lakes on Fraser Island. However, this is the deepest at 11.4 metres and the least acidic. Plenty of life in this lake so don’t be surprised if something swims against you. This lake is surrounded by giant sand dunes which one day will fill the emerald-colored lake. This place was fun as you can roll down the bank and go swimming… well if you are me, get pushed into the water!! The group were all getting along and were all laid back.

Due to all the commotion with the jeep. We found ourselves finishing the long walk back in the dark with minimal light sources between us. Normally, the group would be safe at camp by now. However, despite the non-optimal conditions, we made it back only with a few stumped toes.

Luckily, the camp was already set up. So, dinner, drinks, and fun before bed rounded off a great day. What a fun start to the Fraser Island Tour!

Fraser Island Tour Day 2: Shipwreck – Champagne Pools – Indian Head – Eli Creek

The shipwreck on 75- Mile Beach in Australia on the Fraser Island Tour
The Shipwreck

The second day was action-packed. Starting our day driving to the shipwreck along the famous 75-mile beach. A pure sand beach that runs for a whopping 75 miles. An old ship who couldn’t beat the unbelievable strong currents in the sea at Fraser Island lays here. This shipwreck gets buried deeper in the sand with each passing year. One day it will be completely buried if it is not already. The sea here is way too dangerous to swim in because of the waves and currents. Also, due to the likelihood of sharks swimming around. Great White Sharks to be precise.

A Relax in the Champagne Pools…

The Champagne Pool on Fraser Island Tour on the East Coast of Australia
The Relaxing Champagne Pools

After, a long walk in the sun across an easy boardwalk you reach these awesome pools of water. They are heated nicely from the sun. As well as, a rock wall that protects you from the sea. Plus, these cool organisms live on the rocks and you press them and out squirts water… a mini water gun!

A viewpoint at Indian Head…

Indian Head is a viewpoint which looks over the sea. It was a small climb up but nothing dangerous. One part is a sacred site for the aboriginals so don’t be that person and climb all over it! However, there were some people who clearly didn’t listen. The view across the bay was insane. When I think of Australia I think about beaches like this. The golden sand between your toes. The waves in the sea. Imagining you can surf them all. I can’t surf, so my imagination is all I have here. The water is so clear that we were able to see a Minke Whale swim on through. My first ever Whale. Exciting.

Floating Down the Eli Creek…

My friends and I floating down Eli Creek's lazy river on the Fraser Island.
Floating Down Eli Creek Lazy River

Yep. This island even has a lazy river. Simply, walk to the start, plop yourself in the water and float on down. If you are like me, you will do it again and again. I love being in the water. It wasn’t that quick and quite shallow but still relaxing. The sun was still out. My tan was coming along nicely. Bliss.

Our Final Night…

So, we cooked dinner as our mini-group. Basically, each 4×4 was in charge of their own food and drink. You purchase it all then bring it over with you. Make sure you bring enough to drink! We ate another good dinner and the drinks were following nicely… too nicely some might say.

We are all having fun and the next minute one of the girls ran out screamed… it’s only 10 pm. Yes everyone was way past drunk including me by 10 pm. You see when on the island you really don’t have any concept of time… we weren’t glued to our phones. This was nice. It felt like a total disconnect from the world. You could almost pretend you were on a deserted island but with others, food and transport.

The night of drinking continued. But, as it got chilly, we went into the back of the 4×4 and that’s when the dingos came. Dingos can be described as wild dogs but here on Fraser Island, they aren’t scared of humans. The group who were on the beach came back and scared them all off. Phew.

Fraser Island Tour Day 3: Lake Mackenzie – Kingfisher Bay

The crystal clear waters and white sandy shoreline of Lake Mackenzie on Fraser
The Beautiful Waters of Lake Mackenize

The final day and the final lake. Lake Mackenzie. Wow! This is breath-taking. The crystal-clear freshwater was amazing. This is the most visited lake on the island. When you see it with your own eyes it’s easy to why. The picture-perfect white sand squeaking beneath your feet. The water was a nice 22 degrees and refreshing. A perfect spot to relax for the last morning on Fraser Island.

Kingfisher Bay…

At long last, we arrived at Kingfisher Bay. The ferry port to get back across the water. Hungover from the night before and about to get on the ferry… I wasn’t feeling great. Plus, I get seasick. The ferry ride back over wasn’t a bundle of laughs for me. I hung out at the back praying not to be sick.

Finally, back on land. What a fun-filled three days on the Fraser Island Tour, non-stop laughter. However, after no shower, I was happy to freshen up and sleep away the hangover. I definitely, recommend booking the tour for this one. You can just kick back and drink all day. Unless you want to drive obviously.

Australia has plenty of group tours available all over the country. I even did the Ayers rock tour.

Excellent Hike to Machu Picchu – A Stunning World Wonder

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

We had always planned to hike to Machu Picchu. This was what I wanted to do for my birthday. We didn’t book the Inca Trail in advance because we didn’t know exactly when we were going. Plus, it was too late to book as it fills up months in advance.

Finding the Salkantay hike was simple and now you can book in advance with an even better company. Some say it’s better than the Inca Trail as there are fewer people and it is much much cheaper. We were lucky as we booked it the day before in-person in Cusco. Overall, we paid US$200, you are paying for basic food and accommodation though. We didn’t mind this.

Day 1 – Machu Picchu: Mollepata and Challacancha

On the first day, we took a mini-bus to the starting point at Mollepata. We were roughly 2900 metres above sea level. This place provided us breakfast before setting off on the four-day hike. I’ll be honest here; I’ve never done more than a day of hiking in a row. I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for. Not only would we cover a lot of kilometres we were going to be at altitude. Something that is completely new to me too. We arrived in the main town of Cusco the day before we started hiking… let’s say this was our first rookie mistake.

Anyway, we set following our guide uphill for the next 40 minutes. Then it was flat for the next 13 km to Challacancha (3600m). Not too bad, this was the camp for the night. However, I got bitten by a mosquito on the way to camp. This is pretty standard and I’m sure there would be more to come.

A Struggle to Lake Humantay

Lake Humantay on Salkantay Hike with clear water and snowy mountains
The Struggle to This Lake Was Real

After a basic lunch, it was time to venture to Lake Humantay. A stop not on the Inca Trail and only on the Salkantay Trek. It was a further 400 metres up from camp. I have never struggled so much in my life… well, it certainly felt like I was going to die. I know extreme but I over-exaggerate.

However, at the time it felt like this but I am not one to give up I kept on pushing through. Cheered on by one of the group members, I slowly made it. It was worth all the torture I had just suffered. The view was breathtaking, a crystal-clear lake with snow-capped mountains as the backdrop. Beautiful. This view was a first for me seeing this and it is well and truly edged into my memory for life. It’s moments like this that make the hard work worth it.

Day 2: A Hike up Salkantay Mountain

So, this day wasn’t our finest hour either. We hadn’t acclimatised to the high altitude before beginning this hike and now we started paying the price. The lack of oxygen was a struggle… we couldn’t hike this morning. Luckily there was an alternative… a horse. Something I have never been on and something my friend was allergic to. Yet, this was the option we had because of our first rookie mistake we were now making another.

You are probably wondering why this was our second rookie mistake… maybe it was the fact we were riding along the side of the mountain with a sheer drop on the edge or with horses that weren’t completely steady on their feet. The prospect of dying was high in our thoughts (again) however this time I feel it was justified.

Our mistake was riding the horses as these horses weren’t treated all that well. Unfortunately, I have seen worse. These were a healthy weight and made for this purpose. On the other hand, the luggage horses were driven up the mountain. This was not nice to witness as stones were thrown in their direction. I guess, people hike this section, therefore, this doesn’t get seen. It doesn’t make this right.

Heart Pumping Hard…

The top of Salkantay Mountain at 4,629 metres above sea level
The Snowy Top of Salkantay Mountain

Once on the top of the mountain, I could relax, once again. The worst ride of my life was over. I let all the tension from that ride go. We were 4630 metres above sea level on top of the Salkantay Mountain. It was so magical as a few snowflakes fell. I love taking a moment and taking in my surroundings as nature is magnificent. After, back down we went moving slowly away from the cold.

After lunch was another 15 km hike to the second and final camping night. This was physically tough as it felt like I was dragging my feet along. We didn’t even do the uphill part but yet this was still a struggle. It was up to my mental toughness to drag me through to camp. We did it. A long time after the others but still within the 3-hour guide time.

Day 3: A Day Hiking to Aguas Calientes

This was the lowest altitude we had been in so breathing was finally back to normal. We were only 1450 metres up. This morning’s hike was 16 km along what our guide told us was an Inca Flat. This meant steep up and downs followed by Peru Flat which was manageable ups and downs. This was through the jungle and the weather threw showers, sun, warmth, and cold at us; so undressing and dressing back up kept us entertained as we burnt through the kilometres.

We started walking in the wrong direction because our guide was so far in front, that he lost us. We went up the river bank instead of in line with the river. A guide over the river told us to turn around and take the other option. Phew… I didn’t fancy being lost somewhere in a Peruvian jungle. Although that would have been interesting.

The Peru Rail train to Machu Picchu going along the tracks
The Train That Nearly Hit Me

The last part of the hike was from Hidroelectrica to the town where Machu Picchu is (Aguas Calientes). This was a flat 2-3 hours walk. We took it at an unhurried pace. I would say to enjoy the last bit of the hike but it was due to sore, achy muscles. There wasn’t much to look at as it was along the train tracks. As exciting as this walk got was nearly getting hit by the train. We left as much clearance as possible. We thought we were far enough back from the tracks but the train is much wider than the tracks. Luckily, we made it to the Aguas Calientes in one piece… just.

Day 4: Visiting the Ruins of Machu Picchu                                              

One view of Machu Picchu with low cloud
The Weather Failing Us At Machu Picchu

Waking up knowing that a day of hiking wasn’t on the agenda was gold. We set off earlier than the group to catch the bus (the cheaters’ way). But it had to be done because every muscle was sore. Once, in the grounds of Machu Picchu, the excitement was high as we explored yet another masterpiece. However, mother nature showed up too.

Yes, that’s right like most trips to Machu Picchu the early morning rains and clouds ruin the views. They lasted into the afternoon for us. We didn’t opt for the train back so another walk along the train line was in order. Finally, a waiting bus took us back to Cusco. I would recommend paying the extra for the train as you get longer at Machu Picchu.

The view of Machu Picchu from the top of the mountain
The View from The Top of Machu Picchu

Summary of the 4 Day Salkantay Hike to Machu Picchu

I have not sugar-coated how tough we found it from day 1 to day 4. Would I do it again? The answer is yes. Would I make changes? The answer is yes. We were very underprepared for the challenge that greeted us. Yet we still managed it. As tough as it was, I did enjoy pushing myself to extremes. And the sense of accomplishment when it was all over was unreal. I was so proud of myself. This means if we managed it, you can too!! It was so rewarding. The views, the different climates, changes in landscapes and Machu Picchu makes it well worthwhile.

P.S remember that mosquito bite on day 1… our third rookie mistake not taking anything to treat it with. It ended up bursting a couple of times meaning an infection got in. I was lucky that some over-the-counter antibiotics got rid of it. It could have been much worse.

Please go more prepared than us!!

Remember to check out my other South American adventures here!!

A 3-Day Tour of the Interesting Salts Flats, Bolivia

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

The salt flats are another well-known attraction to visit in South America. The nearest town to the salt flats in Bolivia is Uyuni. There are two options to choose from either coming back to Uyuni or go to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile. All the tours vary in length ranging from 1-4 days. We booked our tour in the town of Uyuni last minute. This was risky as it was a busy time and we could only book with a below-par company. To get the best experience with the most reputable company you can book online here.

Day 1 Salt Flats Tour : Uyuni – Colchani – Inca Huasi – Agua Quisa

For this tour, we were a group of four as we met up with some friends. We set off in the Toyota 4×4 that fitted 6 of us, our driver barely spoke English. You can pay extra for an English-speaking guide. Again, due to booking last minute we didn’t have an option of an English-speaking guide. The first stop of the day was the train cemetery, some abandoned trains were left behind in the middle of nowhere. It was pretty cool; we climbed over them and got some pictures.

Abandoned train carriages known as the train cemetery
The Abandoned Trains

The market town of Colchani was a quick stop off. We picked up a toy dinosaur for the pictures we were going to take. This is when you start to enter the salt flats. The landscape is now all white in all directions. Sunglasses were more or less permanently on my face as the sun bounced off the salt. Sun cream was a constant of reapplying because my nose is delicate and burns with ease.


We ate lunch at an unused salt hotel. From there, we headed out to take the iconic pictures you see all over the internet. Everyone who visits gets fun and creative with their shots. The crazy ideas people come up with are all pretty cool. There is no depth perception on the salt flats therefore you can make everyday objects bigger.

A random cacti island known as fish island in the middle of the salt plains
A Random Cacti Island

By now we were in the middle of nowhere creeping our way up to 4000 metres. I didn’t realise we climbed up so many metres when on the tour. As we approached our next stop off for the day. What we saw was unexpected. I wasn’t expecting an island (Inca Huasi/Fish Island) in the middle of the salt flats. However, here one was. A unique island made up of cacti randomly in the middle of the salt flats. The sun was setting on our way to the Salt Hotel at Agua Quisa. We pulled over to admire the sunset. Once at the hotel dinner was eventfully served. It was worth the wait.

Day 2 Salt Flats Tour: Chiguana – Lagunas – Siloil – Laguna Colorada – Sol De Manana

Me jumping for joy on the Salt Flats
Jumping for Joy

As we made our way to the 4×4 in the morning, still half asleep. It was another early morning to fit everything in. Our driver/tour guide was putting air into not one but two tyres. This was not a good sign or a great start to the day. Here, I was hoping they were slow punctures.

After a short drive, we left the salt flats behind to enter the desert. Compared to other groups… we arrived very slowly. I wonder why. It is looking like we really should have booked in advance. During that drive, we stopped once on our way to pump up those tyres… I guess not such a slow puncture with all the bumpy terrain. Not to mention the times the driver stopped to check on them.


A Day of Exploring Lakes…

The lakes were full of flamingos. All of the lakes had different colour of water to them which was pretty cool. We saw two more lakes before missing the Galaxy Cave because of our slow pace. Yes, we were that far behind the other vehicles from our tour. We had to miss a stop. I was really excited to see the Galaxy cave. Oh, well!

After, a long drive we came to Siloil to see the simple stone tree structure (Arbol De Piedra). Again, we were last to arrive and one of the first to leave. So we didn’t get much time here, unfortunately. These two deflating tyres were hampering this day.

The red lake in Bolivia
The Best Lake on The Tour

Laguna Colorada known as a red lagoon was very pink in colour when the sun poked through. There was one last stop before our hotel stay at the hot springs. Geysers (Sol De Manana). Here we were up at an altitude of an impressive 4800 metres. The hot steam shot up into the air from holes in the ground. As read you about them you are lucky that you can’t smell. The smell was a pure raw odour of sulphur which was extremely strong. At the hotel, we had dinner and watched the sunset. The stars were very pretty and many to see as light pollution wasn’t an issue.

Day 3: Dali Desert – Laguna Verde

Green algae on some rocks in the desert
Evidence of This Being Underwater

The last morning of our trip was a journey through the Dali Desert. There were some rocks covered in green algae. Evidence that this place used to be underwater. We stopped at a couple of locations along our way to Laguna Verde… just to make sure our tyre wasn’t flat. Lastly, after viewing Laguna Verde we caught the bus to San Pedro de Atacama. This was easy to arrange with the tour operator when booking. The bus was long but the views of the desert were beautiful and kept me entertained along with a much-needed nap!

Summary of the Salt Flat Tour

Overall, I would say we went with a mid-range company, all was good. The food was good. The accommodation was a nice room for two in the salt hotel on the first night. The second night was a shared room for maybe around 7/8 people. The only issue with the trip was of course the flat tyres. This was a pain as we missed out on going to places. However, there wasn’t a lot we could do about this.e. Overall, an experience I will never forget.

Want to check out other experiences in South America, Click Here!!!!!!!!